The Singapore Lodge Theosophical Society
Membership subscription is only S$69 per annum for the Singapore Lodge. New members pay an entrance fee of S$20. Students need only pay half the amount. Application for membership in Singapore should be made on the prescribed form which can be downloaded here. Adobe Reader(Version 5 or later) is required to open the membership application form. If you do not have Version 5 or later of Adobe Reader you may download the latest version by clicking on the Adobe logo below.
Print out and complete the application form and send it together with a cheque payable to "The Singapore Lodge Theosophical Society" with the amount of $89 for ordinary members or $44.50 for student members. To qualify for student membership, the applicant must be currently studying full-time in an educational institution. Students under the age of 21 years must provide written consent of their parents or guardians. Mail the completed application to: The Singapore Lodge Theosophical Society 24 New Industrial Road #03-09 INSPACE Singapore 536210
Alternatively, you may email your completed application form to and make your payment via PayNow.
WHY JOIN THE SOCIETY? Many of us are members because we want to help this great organization which exists for a supremely altruistic purpose - altruism in a deep, true and extended sense. The Society does not exist for our own edification, much less for our amusement or glorification; it exists in order that each one of us may lend his or her strength, give of his or her light and in whatever capacity he or she may have, to make the world a better place in which to live; better not merely from a physical point of view, but with a more spiritual climate, a rarer, more vital atmosphere where all delicate and wonderful things may grow.
One of the privileges of membership of The Singapore Lodge is access to the large collection of library books, many of which are out of print. The library collection started when the Singapore Lodge was formed in 1889 and includes some rare books. Indeed many of the books in the library are physically over a hundred years old.