The Singapore Lodge Theosophical Society
For the convenience of members as well as non-members interested in theosophical studies, the Singapore Lodge has established a small bookshop with about 300 titles. These are the publications of the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar, India, Quest Books in Wheaton, U. S. A. and the Theosophical Publishing House in the Philippines. These books, though great in value, are nominally priced so as to be affordable to all students of the esoteric tradition. Indeed, most of the titles are offered at cost so that theosophical teachings can reach a greater population.
The Singapore Lodge Bookshop is open every Saturday, from 4:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. whenever we have lodge meetings. During the rare occasions when the lodge is closed that Saturday, the bookshop will also be closed. To know whether there is a lodge meeting for any particular Saturday, go to What's on this month.
In view of the short opening hours, for the convenience of book buyers, we are happy to provide a catalogue herein for browsing. There are two listings provided, one by title and the other by author. Write down the titles you wish to buy and give it to the Book Steward who would be most happy to serve you.
Happy browsing!
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For further information or enquiry regarding the availability and sale of theosophical books email to