The Singapore Lodge Theosophical Society
Where do I come from? Where do I go to after death? What is the purpose of life? Why am I less fortunate than others? Is there true justice in this world?
We sometimes ask ourselves these and other questions which seem to have no answers. The Theosophical Society, a non-sectarian movement engaged in the promotion of Universal Brotherhood and study of the Laws of Nature governing the universe, provides answers to some of the perennial and perplexing questions about life and its purpose and a better understanding of the relationship between Man, God and the Universe. A knowledge of Theosophy would help one accept the world for what it is. Register for A Course in Theosophy (ACT) and gain an insight into the ancient wisdom. ACT is conducted once or twice a year. The course comprises seven segments of two hours duration each. The entire course of seven segments is conducted over a two-week period. A Course in Theosophy is free of charge and is a must for earnest truth seekers. Since its introduction in 1998, thousands have attended this popular course. The following subjects will be covered: · The Different Planes of Nature - Knowing the different planes of nature; the different bodies of man and the different vehicles of consciousness. Learn about the auras of men.. · Man’s Evolution - A discourse on evolution; man's origin and destiny; where we come from and where we are going to; the Law of Karma; Reincarnation as a process of evolution. · Death & After - Putting death in its rightful place as a function of evolution. A discourse on the life after death and the harm of mourning for the dead. · The Astral Plane - This is a continuation of the preceding lecture on death and after. A general description of the Astral Plane and its inhabitants. Man’s activities when the physical body is asleep and when he sheds his physical body at death. · The Mental Plane - This is a continuation of the preceding lecture on the astral plane when the man passes on to the Devachanic plane when he casts off his astral body. A short description of the heaven world and its inhabitants. Does everyone go to heaven? · Thought-Forms - What are thought-forms? How your thoughts affect others, near or far from you. The virtue of having the right thoughts and the consequences of bad thoughts. Man’s responsibility in controlling his power of thoughts.
The Noble Eightfold Path -
Guidelines on how to quicken the evolutionary pace; the
perfection of virtues and the ideals of right living. Living the life of a true
theosophist and finding peace and joy in the process.