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Light of the Sanctuary

The Occult Diary of Geoffrey Hodson


Geoffrey Hodson was a spiritual light-bringer to humanity. He is known and respected internationally for his clairvoyant powers which he used both for healing and for occult research, some of which were carried out in collaboration with physicians, physicists, and anthropologists. 71 of the 96 years in his life were dedicated to the cause of the TS. He made valuable contributions to Theosophical literature. He was the author of over 60 books and booklets starting from the publication of his first book in 1925, notable among them being those on the Angelic Hierarchy, biblical interpretation, and symbolism. In addition to these publications, Geoffrey Hodson wrote almost 400 articles for the magazines of various countries. Many, like us, have benefitted from his writings but few realized his true occult status and significance until his occult diary, Light of the Sanctuary was published by his wife, Sandra Hodson, after his death.


Of his diary, the Master M. says, “Your Diary will be like a continuation of the Mahatma Letters . . . and will greatly validate all that which has already been revealed. This will be very helpful - hence the idea.” Says another Adept to Sandra, "You are most wisely saving, collecting, and including the spiritual and occult events in Geoffrey’s life for the book that is to be published after he leaves the physical plane - material of occult and spiritual value especially, which Geoffrey has produced both privately and semi-publicly. It will be likely to live monumentally long after you both have left the earth." Adding, "We wish The Diary to be not only an account of Geoffrey’s life, inner and outer, but also an instrument for the teaching of the Occult Sciences." And the Master K.H. says, "Your dedicated building of The Diary is of very great importance to both ourselves and the world. This book will be one of the greatest aids - powers, indeed - in supporting the work of Our Society throughout many future years."


Tap/click on this link The Importance and Significance of Light of the Sanctuary for extracts of the Masters' comments on The Diary.


Light of the Sanctuary (ISBN 971-91132-0-0) was first published by Sandra Hodson in 1988. It was out of print for many years, much to the disappointment of earnest students who yearned to own a copy. The Singapore Lodge Theosophical Society is privileged to resume publication of this invaluable book to ensure its continued availability for posterity. New publishing with hard cover is now available. For more information, email los@singaporelodge.org



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