
The Singapore Lodge Theosophical Society

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Courses, Lectures and Talks conducted by The Singapore Lodge Theosophical Society

1. Basic Theosophy Course (7 weeks)

Seven-part course, 21 hours, conducted over 7 weeks giving the basic tenets of Theosophy. Weekly 3-hour lectures covering the following subjects:

– The Different Planes of Nature

– Man’s Evolution

– Death and After

– The Astral Plane

– The Mental Plane

– Thought-Forms

– The Noble Eightfold Path


2. Study Classes

Study classes on theosophical classics:

         The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett (one year)

         Glimpses of The Occult World (6 weeks)

         The Key to Theosophy (4 months)

         At the Feet of the Master (3 months)

         The Voice of the Silence (4 months)

         Light on the Path (current)

         A Study in Consciousness (coming)

         The Secret Doctrine (coming)


3. Forum On Daily Challenges

A series of forums on the daily challenges faced by each of us. Participants will discuss, in each session, in theosophical perspective, one of the following topics:


         Fear and Anxiety

         Anger and Irritation

         Self-centredness and Selfishness

         Pride and Delusion

         Lies, Deceit & Concealment


4. Self-Realization and Development Workshop (2-day)

The inspirational workshop consists of four modules, Observation, Introspection, Realization and Action.


5. Courage, Patience and Hope Workshop (2-day)

The inspirational workshop consists of four modules, Courage, Patience, Hope and Resolution.



Esoteric Subjects


5. The Occult Hierarchy

A glimpse into the Inner Government of the World. An insight into Initiations and the Pathway to Perfection. (Annual talk)


6. The Wesak Festival

An illustrated talk on esoteric Buddhism, the Inner Government of the World and the annual Wesak Blessing of Lord Buddha. Includes video show of the pilgrims at the Wesak Valley. (Annual talk on Wesak Day)


7. The Christian Creed

A lecture on the esoteric aspects of the Apostles’, Nicene and Athanasian Creeds based on theosophical knowledge. This is more of a theosophical lecture than a religious programme as the origin of the Christian Creed includes an ancient formula of cosmogenesis which will be discussed.


8. Esoteric Christianity

A talk on the Christian tradition from the occult viewpoint. The talk covers the historical, the mythic and the mystic Christ and also the inner meaning of the events in the life of the Christ. This program is of interest to both Christians and non-Christians alike.


9. The Path of Occultism

A lecture on the awakening of spirituality, quest for truth and the qualities necessary to sit at the feet of the Master and enter the Path of Occultism


10. What is God?

This talk presents for consideration the concept of God as seen by the Mahatmas, the Mahachohan, H. P. Blavatsky, C. W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant. The theological view is also discussed. Do the various references to God in some of the major religions of the world support the Theosophical view? We shall find out in this talk.


Theosophical Subjects


11. Purpose of the Theosophical Society

An illustrated talk on the purpose underlying the three declared objectives of the Theosophical Society, quoting the outer and Inner Founders of the Society reminding us of our mission and duties as members of the Society.


12. The Nature of Psychic Abilities

A lecture on the unfoldment of psychic abilities, including clairvoyance and clairaudience; distinguishing between true occultists and charlatans. (Annual talk)


13. Chakras, Prana and Kundalini

A lecture on the significance and development of the Force Centres, Vitality, the Serpent Fire and the powers latent in man.


14. The Seven Rays

A lecture on the Seven Human Temperaments, or what is often referred to as The Seven Rays - the seven divisions of Nature. We shall discuss the seven types of men. An interesting test will be conducted to find out the probable ray we each belong to.  

15. The Doctrine of Cycles

A lecture to members on theosophical teachings on the doctrine of Chains, Rounds, World Periods and Races. This is a useful prelude to the talk on The Lost Continents of Lemuria and Atlantis. 

16. The Lost Continents of Atlantis and Lemuria

A lecture about The Lost Continents of Atlantis and Lemuria based on information from the esoteric tradition including clairvoyant investigations. 

17. Kingdom of the Devas

Angels and fairies—do they exist? An interesting talk describing the angelic kingdom with illustrations of devas and nature-spirits. 

18. The Hidden Side of Things

A lecture on the hidden side of things based on the observation of clairvoyants. 

19. Dreams

A lecture about the different kinds of dreams. The states of the physical and etheric brains when the man is asleep will be discussed, including man’s astral activities. The true dreams and the fanciful ones. 

20. Reincarnation—Fact or Fallacy?

An illustrated talk giving a comprehensive look at Reincarnation from both the occult tradition as well as the scientific viewpoint. The scientific research by Dr. Ian Stevenson of the University of Virginia is discussed together with theosophical explanations. 

21. Understanding Karma

A talk, explaining in greater detail, the great eternal law of Nature—the Law of Cause and Effect or better known as the Law of Karma. 

22. Karma and Relationships

A talk on love, marriage and friendship and the implications of karma in such relationships. The talk covers karmic links and bonds; how families come into being; about the people surrounding one, both friends and foes. Are marriages and the choice of spouses predestined? Why does that choice sometimes appear to be a mistake? What then? How do we resolve relationship problems theosophically? 

23. Meditation on Soul Development

A lecture on meditation with the focus on development of the higher Self, such as conquering of selfishness, fear, anger and irritation. 

24. Meditation—A Yoga of Light

A continuation of the previous lecture. This part of the lecture focuses on the ultimate objective of all forms of meditation—union with the divine self. 

25. Why Vegetarianism?

An illustrated talk on why we should consider being vegetarian. The speaker will also debunk the myth on the lack of nutrition of a vegetarian diet, and the consequences of the demand and supply of animal products, including a video show on animal farming. Also included in the talk are the practical aspects of being a vegetarian. 

26. An Introduction to Hinduism

An introduction to Hinduism, its meaning, scriptures and various schools of thought, beliefs and celebrations, its temples, its deities, the historical  and mythical personages. This is an informative talk for Hindus and non-Hindus alike. 

27. An Introduction To The Bhagavad-Gita

A talk giving us an introduction to the Bhagavad-Gita. The Bhagavad-Gita which in Sanskrit means “Song of the Lord” is a 2,000-year-old, 700-verse Sanskrit poem regarded by many believers in Hinduism as their most important religious text .

28. Freemasonry and its Ancient Mystic Rites

This is a talk on Freemasonry in the light of Theosophy. Reference is made to the books on Freemasonry by clairvoyant theosophists, notably, C. W. Leadbeater and Geoffrey Hodson. Also incorporating a video, “What Freemasonry is All About”.  

29. The Mystery of Birth

One of the most interesting and fascinating events of Nature is that of the marvel and mystery of birth. Birth is a series of miracles which become deeper and more significant as we penetrate from man’s physical nature to his psychic links with the subtler bodies. 

30. Prayer and Forgiveness

The modern scientific mind rebels at the thought of prayer, yet the religious spirit is strongly attached to it. Are prayers answered? If so, who or what answers them and under what circumstances? 

31. Health and Disease in Man

The attainment and maintenance of perfect health is the intelligent person’s supreme material preoccupation. Health is the greatest physical necessity for every human being. Yet, despite the progress of modern science, the incidence of such diseases as leprosy, cancer, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease, and the mortality from them, tend to increase. What are the fundamental laws governing health and well-being, and in what way is humanity so continually violating them that a perfectly and continually healthy individual is a rarity? How may health be defined? This talk looks at the cause of disease from both the medical and occult viewpoints and discusses the vital influence of mind and emotion in health and disease. The occult anatomy of man is considered, as are the roles played by the chakras, etheric double and prana in health and disease.

32. Spiritual Healing

One of the highest and one of the commonest of human aspirations is to become a healer. This talk examines what spiritual healing is, what can and what cannot be done by spiritual healing alone, the parts played respectively by the healer and sufferer, how spiritual healing works and how one may train oneself effectively to heal by the powers of mind and Spirit. The true cause of healing and ill-health is discussed. This talk also examines methods of healing other than spiritual such as pranic and magnetic healing, mesmerism and hypnotism. Also, should one heal by the power of the Will? 

33. Clairvoyant Diagnosis of Disease

The phenomenon of clairvoyance or supernormal cognition in man has presented itself continuously throughout the whole range of human history. Geoffrey Hodson was one of the renowned seers in the twentieth century who devoted seventy years of his life to service for the Theosophical Society. He has used his clairvoyance to aid research in various fields, such as scientific research as well as to help humanity understand more about the occult causes of health and disease. This talk focuses on six cases which he studied in detail, using his varied psychic abilities. They give us deeper insights into the occult causes of tumours, dementia, subnormal mentality, sleeping sickness, dipsomania or alcoholism and last but not least, that affliction which is so widespread today - cancer. The after-death life of one of the cases was studied, giving us a glimpse into the nature of that life for one who was physically handicapped when alive.

34. Suicide

Suicides, who sadly and mistakenly tried to escape their suffering, only find themselves still alive and conscious without a physical body, regretting their actions, and thus suffer with intensity. The grave consequences of suicide will be discussed with references to statements made by those who know. We shall also discuss the circumstances driving one to suicide and what options are available to those who are suicidal, suicide clearly not being one of them. This presentation in PowerPoint may be downloaded. A PDF version may also be downloaded for reference. 






H. P. Blavatsky's Writings ] Henry Steel Olcott ] C. W. Leadbeater ] The Singapore Lodge ] The Singapore Lodge Library ] The Singapore Lodge Bookshop ] Light of the Sanctuary ] [ Study Classes, Talks and Lectures ] A Course in Theosophy & Meditation ] Other TS Sites ]

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