2020 December Programme


COVID-19 Precautionary Measure

All programmes are restricted to members only until further notice

Intending attendees must pre-book seats using QTix for admission - max 40 persons


5 December 2020 3:30 p.m.*

The Lost Continents of Lemuria and Atlantis

Chong Sanne will give a lecture and some glimpses of The Lost Continents of Lemuria and Atlantis. This is a sequel to the talk on the Doctrine of Cycles. The talk is about the third and fourth Root Races and the lands they inhabited. The timeline of the evolution of races will be discussed based on the writings of the Masters of the Wisdom and Their pupils. It may come as a surprise to many just how long humanity has been evolving on Earth. Note change in time.


12 December 2020  3.00 p.m.

Year-End Joint Lodge Gathering

We shall have a unique year-end joint lodge gathering. While we will be at our lodge in person we shall meet the international community online as a group via Zoom. Taking advantage of our audio visual facilities, we shall project the Zoom meeting on the big screen and the sound will come through our amplifier system. It will be a new Zoom experience.


19 December 2020 4:30 p.m.

Modern Science and the Higher Self

Choong Chi Pin continues sharing this talk by Annie Besant that was first published in 1915. She says:


"…Out of all these experiments there arose again the question: What then is the relation between consciousness and the brain ? It was established that, with paralysis of the brain, consciousness becomes more active than it was before.

The result of these experiments on the condition of mental faculties, was a proof that whatever the dream consciousness of man might be, it was far wider in extent, far more powerful, than the same consciousness working through the physical brain. Thus gradually way was made for the recognition of the fact, well-known to the eastern psychologists, that the waking consciousness is only a part, an imperfect and fragmentary expression, of the total consciousness of man…."


26 December 2020 3:00 p.m.*

The Singapore Lodge Theosophical Society 2020 Annual General Meeting

Come to this important Annual General Meeting, to review the year past, elect the new executive committee and help make decisions to guide us through the new year. The COVID-19 precautionary measures do not permit our traditional year-end potluck Christmas party and celebration. 


27 - 30  December 2020  

The Theosophical Society 145th International Convention

The 145th International Convention is a four-day online event from 27 to 30 December 2020 with the theme Cycles of Awareness. Each day is dedicated to regions of the world which have different time zones. This will permit Convention participants from around the globe to attend at suitable hours for them. The regions are Adyar/Asia (27th & 30th), the Americas (28th), and Europe/Africa (29th).  For more information, go to https://tsconvention.com/


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