13 September 2014 |
5 p.m. |
Saviors of the World
Choong Chi Pin
gives the second of a two-part talk based on a lecture delivered by Annie
Besant in Stockholm on 15th June 1913.
“...And then another emigration was to come forth, that which was to people
ancient Persia. To Persia the same great World-Teacher came forth, there to
give the religion that you know under the name of Zarathustra, the Teacher
of Purity; and he took Fire as the symbol of God, because fire is the great
purifier. When you cast gold into the fire, the dross is burnt up and only
the pure metal remains. As you cast the human being into the fire of
struggle and of difficulty, the dross of weakness is burnt away, and the
pure gold of the strength of the Spirit remains ...”
27 September 2014 |
5 p.m. |
Public Invitational Programme
Theosophy for Everyone
The science of life and
the philosophy of living—a 52 min. video made by The Blavatsky Trust
specifically to explain what Theosophy is—and isn’t—its origins in the
ageless wisdoms, and how it survived suppression and distortion to blossom
anew as modern Theosophy. Open to non-members.